Cat’s Cradle

Cat’s Cradle


Kurt Vonnegut

Cat’s Cradle: Chapter 77 Summary & Analysis

John asks Julian about “Papa” Monzano’s wellbeing. Julian explains that he and “Papa” don’t speak, because “Papa” “doesn’t like the way we treat the whole patient,” and because his hospital administers the last rites of Bokononism to those patients that want them.
“Papa” is actually a practicing Bokononist, just like the rest of the islanders. Outlawing Bokononism is just a pretense he keeps up to make the religion seem more exciting for the islanders.
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Julian explains that the last rites involve boko-maru, which he believes “works.” He reveals that everyone on the island is a practicing Bokononist.
The last rites are actually hilarious and absurd, as is revealed later.
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