Cat’s Cradle

Cat’s Cradle


Kurt Vonnegut

Cat’s Cradle: Chapter 84 Summary & Analysis

Later that evening, Julian returns to the hospital. Angela, Newt, and John sit on the terrace overlooking Bolivar. Stanley points out different places on the horizon: the hospital, “Papa” Monzano’s palace, and Fort Jesus. Fort Jesus, he explains, is the training camp for San Lorenzo’s soldiers.
Vonnegut has a little joke here at Christianity’s expense, naming the military complex on San Lorenzo after Jesus. This is meant to throw the idea of peaceful religion against the fact of humankind’s self-destruction into stark contrast.
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A convoy of five “American-made army trucks” with machine gunners arrive at the house. The soldiers start digging “machine-gun pits.” They explain that they are acting under orders to “protect the next President of San Lorenzo.” John and the others are baffled, as Frank isn’t there. Suddenly, a power failure turns all of the lights out on the island.
John doesn’t know at this stage that he is intended as the next president—which is why the convoy has arrived.
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