Changes in the Land


William Cronon

Girdling Term Analysis

Girdling is a system of clearing the forest that involves stripping bark off a tree to gradually kill it, letting the tree fall, and burning it.
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Girdling Term Timeline in Changes in the Land

The timeline below shows where the term Girdling appears in Changes in the Land. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6: Taking the Forest
Natural vs. Unnatural Change Theme Icon
Systems and Interdependence Theme Icon
Property Ownership, Commodities, and Profit Theme Icon
Colonization and the Limits of Understanding Theme Icon
Human vs. Environmental History Theme Icon
...soil in these areas. Clearing was achieved in two ways, the first of which was girdling, which was slowly killing trees by stripping off their bark, combined with burning undergrowth. This... (full context)