Changes in the Land


William Cronon

Sachem Term Analysis

The chief or leader of a village of indigenous people in northeast North America. Sachems would act as representatives of their villages, acting on behalf of—and in the interests of—everyone in the village.
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Sachem Term Timeline in Changes in the Land

The timeline below shows where the term Sachem appears in Changes in the Land. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4: Bounding the Land
Natural vs. Unnatural Change Theme Icon
Systems and Interdependence Theme Icon
Colonization and the Limits of Understanding Theme Icon
Human vs. Environmental History Theme Icon occupy the land they (temporarily) inhabited. This was often arranged via the village’s leader—the sachem—although colonizers tended to overemphasize the sachem’s authority, even mischaracterizing indigenous communities as monarchies. The truth... (full context)
Natural vs. Unnatural Change Theme Icon
Systems and Interdependence Theme Icon
Property Ownership, Commodities, and Profit Theme Icon
Colonization and the Limits of Understanding Theme Icon
Human vs. Environmental History Theme Icon
However, land was not “sold” by sachems, something that confused several colonizers. Transfers of land were “diplomatic” deals, not economic ones. Within... (full context)
Chapter 5: Commodities of the Hunt
Natural vs. Unnatural Change Theme Icon
Systems and Interdependence Theme Icon
Property Ownership, Commodities, and Profit Theme Icon
Colonization and the Limits of Understanding Theme Icon
Human vs. Environmental History Theme Icon
...1637, these tensions came to a head when colonizers massacred Pequots, before assassinating the Narragansett sachem Miantonomo in 1643. (full context)
Chapter 8: That Wilderness Should Turn a Mart
Natural vs. Unnatural Change Theme Icon
Systems and Interdependence Theme Icon
Property Ownership, Commodities, and Profit Theme Icon
Colonization and the Limits of Understanding Theme Icon
Human vs. Environmental History Theme Icon
...reinforced each other.” Native people were keenly aware of this reality. In 1642, the Narragansett sachem Miantonomo compared the land of plenty that had existed in the time of the ancestors... (full context)