Chinese Cinderella


Adeline Yen Mah

Third Brother (James) Character Analysis

Third Brother is the youngest son of Father’s first marriage, he is the stepson of Niang, and the second youngest of the stepchildren. Third Brother is the only sibling that Adeline has a fond relationship with. Although Third Brother shares some of Adeline’s kindness and compassion, in the presence of his other siblings he adopts their cruelty to avoid standing out and becoming a target himself. This sometimes involves hurting Adeline—including one instance in which, at the urging of his brothers, he convinces Adeline to drink orange juice with urine in it, betraying her trust in him for the sake of a prank. In this way, Third Brother demonstrates the way that a toxic family can overwhelm a child’s instinct towards kindness—although he desires to be kind, and is kind when he is away from the other siblings, he succumbs to the pressure to be ruthless in order to lessen his own suffering. Adeline recognizes this and grieves the slow loss of his integrity, seeing that in a better environment he could be a better person. Even so, Third Brother’s compassion persists: he helps Adeline hold a funeral for her dead pet PLT, he tells her that life will not always be so grim, and he shows love and respect for Ye Ye. Adeline is sent with Third Brother to study in England and, though it is not delved into, the suggestion is that, removed from his family, he will grow into a better man.

Third Brother (James) Quotes in Chinese Cinderella

The Chinese Cinderella quotes below are all either spoken by Third Brother (James) or refer to Third Brother (James). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Physical and Emotional Abuse Theme Icon
Chapter 1: Top of the Class Quotes

“But then Mama died giving birth to you. If you had not been born, Mama would still be alive. She died because of you. You are bad luck.”

Related Characters: Big Sister (Lydia) (speaker), Adeline Yen (Jun-Ling / Wu-Mei)Niang, Niang (Jeanne Prosperi), Father (Joseph Yen), Third Brother (James), Big Brother (Gregory), Second Brother (Edgar)
Page Number: 3
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 3: Nai Nai’s Bound Feet Quotes

While I was basking in Third Brother’s praise, I suddenly felt a hard blow across the back of my head. I turned around to see Second Brother glowering at me.

“What did you do that for?” I asked angrily …

“Because I feel like it! That’s why, you ugly little squirt! This’ll teach you to show off your medal!”

Related Characters: Adeline Yen (Jun-Ling / Wu-Mei)Niang (speaker), Second Brother (Edgar) (speaker), Third Brother (James)
Page Number: 9
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 9: Chinese New Year Quotes

We began to question Third Brother’s sanity—had he imagined that Niang overheard us?—but he stuck to his story. “Perhaps,” he suggested darkly, “we’re being kept deliberately in a state of uncertainty because that’s what Niang most enjoys. The cat-and-mouse game.”

Related Characters: Third Brother (James) (speaker), Adeline Yen (Jun-Ling / Wu-Mei)Niang, Niang (Jeanne Prosperi), Big Sister (Lydia), Big Brother (Gregory), Second Brother (Edgar)
Page Number: 48
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10: Shanghai School Days Quotes

Did Third Brother truly understand what he was up against? By wanting to have things both ways and straddling the fence, was he aware that each compromise would chip away at his integrity? ... It was the loss of the nicest parts of Third Brother that saddened me.

Related Characters: Adeline Yen (Jun-Ling / Wu-Mei)Niang (speaker), Third Brother (James), Big Brother (Gregory), Second Brother (Edgar)
Page Number: 69
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 16: Hong Kong Quotes

Claudine became alarmed. “Mama, how often does a ship sink?” she asked.

Before Aunt Reine had time to reply, Victor quipped with a straight face, “Only once!”

…then Victor did something my brothers would never have done. How took off his life jacket, slipped it on his sister, and showed her how to adjust the straps.

Related Characters: Victor (speaker), Claudine (speaker), Adeline Yen (Jun-Ling / Wu-Mei)Niang, Third Brother (James), Aunt Reine
Page Number: 141
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Chapter 20: Pneumonia Quotes

“Don’t talk like that! … You mustn’t talk like that! You have your whole life ahead of you. Everything is possible! I’ve tried to tell you over and over that far from being garbage, you are precious and special. Being on top of your class merely confirms this. But you can vanquish the demons only when you yourself are convinced of your own worth.”

Related Characters: Grandfather Ye Ye (speaker), Adeline Yen (Jun-Ling / Wu-Mei)Niang, Niang (Jeanne Prosperi), Father (Joseph Yen), Third Brother (James)
Page Number: 181
Explanation and Analysis:
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Third Brother (James) Quotes in Chinese Cinderella

The Chinese Cinderella quotes below are all either spoken by Third Brother (James) or refer to Third Brother (James). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Physical and Emotional Abuse Theme Icon
Chapter 1: Top of the Class Quotes

“But then Mama died giving birth to you. If you had not been born, Mama would still be alive. She died because of you. You are bad luck.”

Related Characters: Big Sister (Lydia) (speaker), Adeline Yen (Jun-Ling / Wu-Mei)Niang, Niang (Jeanne Prosperi), Father (Joseph Yen), Third Brother (James), Big Brother (Gregory), Second Brother (Edgar)
Page Number: 3
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 3: Nai Nai’s Bound Feet Quotes

While I was basking in Third Brother’s praise, I suddenly felt a hard blow across the back of my head. I turned around to see Second Brother glowering at me.

“What did you do that for?” I asked angrily …

“Because I feel like it! That’s why, you ugly little squirt! This’ll teach you to show off your medal!”

Related Characters: Adeline Yen (Jun-Ling / Wu-Mei)Niang (speaker), Second Brother (Edgar) (speaker), Third Brother (James)
Page Number: 9
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 9: Chinese New Year Quotes

We began to question Third Brother’s sanity—had he imagined that Niang overheard us?—but he stuck to his story. “Perhaps,” he suggested darkly, “we’re being kept deliberately in a state of uncertainty because that’s what Niang most enjoys. The cat-and-mouse game.”

Related Characters: Third Brother (James) (speaker), Adeline Yen (Jun-Ling / Wu-Mei)Niang, Niang (Jeanne Prosperi), Big Sister (Lydia), Big Brother (Gregory), Second Brother (Edgar)
Page Number: 48
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10: Shanghai School Days Quotes

Did Third Brother truly understand what he was up against? By wanting to have things both ways and straddling the fence, was he aware that each compromise would chip away at his integrity? ... It was the loss of the nicest parts of Third Brother that saddened me.

Related Characters: Adeline Yen (Jun-Ling / Wu-Mei)Niang (speaker), Third Brother (James), Big Brother (Gregory), Second Brother (Edgar)
Page Number: 69
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 16: Hong Kong Quotes

Claudine became alarmed. “Mama, how often does a ship sink?” she asked.

Before Aunt Reine had time to reply, Victor quipped with a straight face, “Only once!”

…then Victor did something my brothers would never have done. How took off his life jacket, slipped it on his sister, and showed her how to adjust the straps.

Related Characters: Victor (speaker), Claudine (speaker), Adeline Yen (Jun-Ling / Wu-Mei)Niang, Third Brother (James), Aunt Reine
Page Number: 141
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 20: Pneumonia Quotes

“Don’t talk like that! … You mustn’t talk like that! You have your whole life ahead of you. Everything is possible! I’ve tried to tell you over and over that far from being garbage, you are precious and special. Being on top of your class merely confirms this. But you can vanquish the demons only when you yourself are convinced of your own worth.”

Related Characters: Grandfather Ye Ye (speaker), Adeline Yen (Jun-Ling / Wu-Mei)Niang, Niang (Jeanne Prosperi), Father (Joseph Yen), Third Brother (James)
Page Number: 181
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