

Marissa Meyer

Chang Sacha Character Analysis

Chang Sacha is the baker in the market where Cinder works. She discriminates against Cinder, telling her son Sunto not to play near Cinder’s booth because she is a cyborg. But when Sacha comes down with letumosis and Cinder visits the quarantines, Sacha begs Cinder to bring Sunto to him before she dies. As a result, when Cinder is given a dose of the letumosis cure, she gives it to Sunto.

Chang Sacha Quotes in Cinder

The Cinder quotes below are all either spoken by Chang Sacha or refer to Chang Sacha. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Bravery and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Chapter 1 Quotes

“They say you’re the best mechanic in New Beijing. I was expecting an old man.”

“Do they?” she murmured.

He wasn’t the first to voice surprise. Most of her customers couldn’t fathom how a teenage girl could be the best mechanic in the city, and she never broadcast the reason for her talent. The fewer people who knew she was cyborg, the better. She was sure she’d go mad if all the market shopkeepers looked at her with the same disdain as Chang Sacha did.

Related Characters: Cinder/Princess Selene (speaker), Prince Kai (speaker), Chang Sacha, Sunto
Related Symbols: Cinder’s Mechanical Foot
Page Number: 10
Explanation and Analysis:
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Chang Sacha Character Timeline in Cinder

The timeline below shows where the character Chang Sacha appears in Cinder. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
Stereotypes and Discrimination Theme Icon
Resourcefulness, Kindness, and Perseverance Theme Icon
...mechanic at New Beijing’s market. As she peers out at the other booths, she spots Chang Sacha , the baker, telling her son Sunto not to play so close to Cinder’s booth... (full context)
Power, Greed, and Evil Theme Icon
Resourcefulness, Kindness, and Perseverance Theme Icon
...Suddenly, people start screaming in the street, yelling about the plague: there’s an outbreak at Chang Sacha ’s booth. Cinder immediately closes the door to her booth and covers her nose and... (full context)
Chapter 2
Bravery and Sacrifice Theme Icon
...Cinder opens the door to her booth and watches as men in gas masks burn Chang Sacha ’s booth to the ground. Hoping to avoid the men, Cinder and Iko sneak out... (full context)
Chapter 17
Stereotypes and Discrimination Theme Icon
Resourcefulness, Kindness, and Perseverance Theme Icon
...she can. As she turns to leave, she hears someone else call her name: it’s Chang Sacha , who is in a nearby bed. Sacha asks if Cinder can bring her son... (full context)
Chapter 27
Bravery and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Resourcefulness, Kindness, and Perseverance Theme Icon’s sensor, and then takes Peony’s chip out herself. As Cinder leaves, she sees Sunto, Chang Sacha ’s son, on a bed nearby. She takes out the vial and gives it to... (full context)