

Madeline Miller

Apollo Character Analysis

Apollo is the Olympian god of light, music, prophecy, and medicine. He visits Aiaia once with a prophecy for Odysseus. Without asking Circe’s permission, he forces his prophecy on her. Bearing Apollo’s prophecy is unpleasant, and Circe feels used. What’s more is that it puts Circe’s power in perspective and reminds her of how the gods can and will disrupt her life without a second thought.
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Apollo Character Timeline in Circe

The timeline below shows where the character Apollo appears in Circe. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3
Mortality, Fragility, and Fulfillment Theme Icon
...Instead, they move on to the latest gossip, such as how Titan Boreas and Olympian Apollo have fallen in love with the same mortal. The mortal in question dies shortly thereafter;... (full context)
Chapter 8
Power, Fear, and Self-Preservation Theme Icon
Women, Power, and Misogyny Theme Icon
...he is visiting in hopes that she will host him while he is hiding from Apollo, whose lyre he has stolen. Circe hesitates—Apollo’s wrath is deadly. But she is tired of... (full context)
Chapter 17
Power, Fear, and Self-Preservation Theme Icon
One night, Apollo visits Circe with a prophecy regarding Odysseus. Receiving the prophecy is not a pleasant experience:... (full context)
Power, Fear, and Self-Preservation Theme Icon
Mortality, Fragility, and Fulfillment Theme Icon recedes. Furious at being used as a bearer of a prophecy, she exclaims that Apollo’s actions will bring war from Helios. But he shrugs off her threat, nonchalantly saying that... (full context)