Clap When You Land


Elizabeth Acevedo

Carline is Camino’s best friend. She’s heavily pregnant at the beginning of the novel. A few weeks after Papi’s death, she gives birth prematurely to her son, Luciano. Like Camino, Carline is only 16 or 17, and so she struggles to cope with the pressures and responsibilities of becoming a parent at such a young age. Though Papi was able to get her a job at the local resort when she first found out she was pregnant, Carline hates the job (her boss sexually harasses her), and she’s fired when she refuses to return to work only a week after Luciano is born. Carline’s boyfriend, Nelson, also struggles to earn enough money to be able to support his young family. Camino goes out of way to protect her friend, emotionally and physically, in every way she can. At the end of the story, the novel suggests that Carline, Luciano, and Nelson will move in with Tía and Carline will become Tía’s new apprentice.

Carline Quotes in Clap When You Land

The Clap When You Land quotes below are all either spoken by Carline or refer to Carline. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 7 Quotes

If you are not from an island,
you cannot understand
what it means to be of water:

to learn to curve around the bend,
to learn to rise with rain,
to learn to quench an outside thirst

while all the while
you grow shallow
until there is not one drop

left for you.

I know this is what Tía does not say.

Sand & soil & sinew & smiles:
all bartered. & who reaps? Who eats?

Not us. Not me.

Related Characters: Camino Rios (speaker), Tía Solana, El Cero/Alejandro, Carline
Related Symbols: The Beach
Page Number: 159-160
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Chapter 15 Quotes

I want to offer her platitudes & murmurs
that it will all be all right. But thing is,
this isn’t an uncommon story.

A lot of people don’t finish school
or follow their dreams. That fairy-tale plotline is for

Related Characters: Camino Rios (speaker), Papi, Tía Solana, Carline, Luciano, Nelson
Page Number: 265
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Carline Quotes in Clap When You Land

The Clap When You Land quotes below are all either spoken by Carline or refer to Carline. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 7 Quotes

If you are not from an island,
you cannot understand
what it means to be of water:

to learn to curve around the bend,
to learn to rise with rain,
to learn to quench an outside thirst

while all the while
you grow shallow
until there is not one drop

left for you.

I know this is what Tía does not say.

Sand & soil & sinew & smiles:
all bartered. & who reaps? Who eats?

Not us. Not me.

Related Characters: Camino Rios (speaker), Tía Solana, El Cero/Alejandro, Carline
Related Symbols: The Beach
Page Number: 159-160
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Chapter 15 Quotes

I want to offer her platitudes & murmurs
that it will all be all right. But thing is,
this isn’t an uncommon story.

A lot of people don’t finish school
or follow their dreams. That fairy-tale plotline is for

Related Characters: Camino Rios (speaker), Papi, Tía Solana, Carline, Luciano, Nelson
Page Number: 265
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