Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians


Kevin Kwan

Kitty Pong Character Analysis

Kitty is a soap opera actress who’s dating Alistair Cheng. She insists she’s from Taiwan, though she’s actually from China. Everyone in Alistair’s family is horrified Alistair is dating her, as she dresses in sexy, contextually inappropriate clothing (one dress reveals her nipples and thong underwear), wears fake eyelashes and hair extensions, and has had plastic surgery of some sort on her breasts. Her main goal, the novel implies, is to get rich: she’s dating Alistair for his money, and she has no idea what true wealth looks like. That is, she looks at Araminta and sees the pinnacle of wealth and sophistication, when in actuality, the Chengs—whom Kitty scorns because they live in a “wooden house” with “old” Chinese furniture—are way wealthier. Oliver preys on this naivete to set Kitty up with Bernard Tai; guests discover the two having sex during the wedding tea ceremony.

Kitty Pong Quotes in Crazy Rich Asians

The Crazy Rich Asians quotes below are all either spoken by Kitty Pong or refer to Kitty Pong. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 3, Chapter 6 Quotes

“Aiyah, she’s just a pretty girl that Nicky’s having fun with.” Su Yi laughed, as if the idea of him marrying Rachel was too ridiculous to even consider.

“That’s not the way it looks to me,” Alexandra warned.

“Nonsense. Nicky has no intentions with this girl—he told me so himself. And besides, he would never do anything without my permission. Alistair simply needs to obey your wishes,” Su Yi said with finality.

Related Characters: Ah Ma/Su Yi (speaker), Alexandra Cheng (speaker), Rachel Chu, Nicholas Young, Kitty Pong, Alistair Cheng
Page Number: 387-88
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Kitty Pong Quotes in Crazy Rich Asians

The Crazy Rich Asians quotes below are all either spoken by Kitty Pong or refer to Kitty Pong. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 3, Chapter 6 Quotes

“Aiyah, she’s just a pretty girl that Nicky’s having fun with.” Su Yi laughed, as if the idea of him marrying Rachel was too ridiculous to even consider.

“That’s not the way it looks to me,” Alexandra warned.

“Nonsense. Nicky has no intentions with this girl—he told me so himself. And besides, he would never do anything without my permission. Alistair simply needs to obey your wishes,” Su Yi said with finality.

Related Characters: Ah Ma/Su Yi (speaker), Alexandra Cheng (speaker), Rachel Chu, Nicholas Young, Kitty Pong, Alistair Cheng
Page Number: 387-88
Explanation and Analysis:
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