In Crito, the law of Athens symbolizes the divinely sanctioned wisdom and authority of organized political community. Midway through the dialogue, Socrates begins speaking as the personified law of Athens in order to support his arguments about what a citizen owes to the state. However, it quickly becomes clear that he is not just talking about the written laws which govern Athens. The Greek word translated as “law,” nomos, actually means quite a bit more: the word can also be translated as “custom” or “institution” more broadly. Because the nomoi enable all the benefits that come from existing in a social community, Socrates argues that a citizen owes the law even greater loyalty, piety, and obedience than they owe their parents. This is especially important to note because Socrates seems to give the “law” credit for all social goods a citizen receives from living in a political community—a claim which might seem exaggerated if taken in reference to only written statutes.
However, the symbolic scope of the law in the Crito does not stop there: it also extends to the realm of the gods, as the laws come to symbolize divine truth. At the end of the dialogue, the laws threaten Socrates with punishment in the afterlife if he disrespects them. The fact that the laws possess sufficient knowledge to make this kind of threat indicates that they simultaneously stand for human institutions and for superhuman truth: trespassing against the law means trespassing against the gods. The law of Athens, then, encompasses more than the social norms which support the state’s political structures; it also gestures towards divine, transcendent authority Socrates finds reflected in a well-ordered state.
The Law of Athens Quotes in Crito
You will also strengthen the conviction of the jury that they passed the right sentence on you, for anyone who destroys the laws could easily be thought to corrupt the young and the ignorant. Or will you avoid cities that are well governed and men who are civilized? If you do this, will your life be worth living?
Do not value either your children or your life or anything else more than goodness, in order that when you arrive in Hades you may have all this as your defense before the rulers there. If you do this deed, you will not think it better or more just or more pious here, nor will any one of your friends, nor will it be better for you when you arrive yonder.