Rebecca is the protagonist and narrator of “Cross-Country.” She spends most of the story experiencing various stages of grief about the recent end of her relationship. Feeling despondent after her breakup, Rebecca takes time off…
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Rebecca’s ex-partner
The man who has recently broken up with Rebecca. The reader’s understanding of Rebecca’s ex-partner comes solely from Rebecca. Because the story is narrated from a first- and second-person perspective, it is difficult to…
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Julie is Rebecca’s friend from work. Interrupting Rebecca’s nosedive into a sea of relevant search results for her ex-partner’s name, Julie calls. Julie is Rebecca’s first reminder that a real world exists outside…
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Rebecca’s boss
While Rebecca is lost in her rich fantasy life in the wake of her breakup, her boss calls to inform her that she’s exhausted her sick leave. Lost in a philosophical reverie over the pointlessness…
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