Death on the Nile

Death on the Nile


Agatha Christie

Fleetwood is an engineer on the Karnak who attempted to marry one of Linnet’s old chambermaids, despite the fact that he was already married to an Egyptian woman. Linnet intervened to stop the marriage, angering Fleetwood. When Fleetwood speaks directly with Poirot and Race, he insists the situation was more complicated, though he admits that he did hate Linnet. Despite a strong motive, however, Fleetwood never becomes a serious candidate to be the murderer. His presence does, however, show that Linnet was not as beloved by everyone as she first appeared—she had many enemies, some of which she didn’t even realize she made through her efforts to “help” people who never asked for that help.

Fleetwood Quotes in Death on the Nile

The Death on the Nile quotes below are all either spoken by Fleetwood or refer to Fleetwood. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter Eighteen  Quotes

Poirot picked up the handkerchief and examined it.

“A man’s handkerchief-but not a gentleman’s handkerchief. Ce cher Woolworth, I imagine. Threepence at most.”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Linnet Doyle, Jacqueline De Bellefort, Simon Doyle , Colonel Race, Miss Marie Van Schuyler, Fleetwood
Related Symbols: The Nile
Page Number: 209
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Fleetwood Quotes in Death on the Nile

The Death on the Nile quotes below are all either spoken by Fleetwood or refer to Fleetwood. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter Eighteen  Quotes

Poirot picked up the handkerchief and examined it.

“A man’s handkerchief-but not a gentleman’s handkerchief. Ce cher Woolworth, I imagine. Threepence at most.”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Linnet Doyle, Jacqueline De Bellefort, Simon Doyle , Colonel Race, Miss Marie Van Schuyler, Fleetwood
Related Symbols: The Nile
Page Number: 209
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