Demon Copperhead


Barbara Kingsolver

Martha Character Analysis

Martha is Maggot's friend, but Emmy also spends time for her. All three are involved in heavy drug use, and Martha ends up staying at a "crack house" for a time. After Emmy disappears, June tasks Demon with tracking down Martha, who she believes might know where Emmy has gone. Although Demon does find Martha, she tries to throw herself from the car on the way to June's house, seemingly afraid to face June about whatever trouble Emmy is in.
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Martha Character Timeline in Demon Copperhead

The timeline below shows where the character Martha appears in Demon Copperhead. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 45
Exploitation Theme Icon
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Toxic Masculinity Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
...June’s house, protecting her right now. She starts crying. She says she drove Maggot’s friend, Martha, to Knoxville for an abortion but lied about it. She says taking Martha was a... (full context)
Chapter 52
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Toxic Masculinity Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
...June to tell her that Emmy might be in Atlanta. June says they should find Martha because Martha might help lead them to Emmy. When he goes back home, Demon expects... (full context)