Demon Copperhead

Demon Copperhead


Barbara Kingsolver

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Ms. Annie Character Analysis

Ms. Annie is the art teacher at the high school. In middle school, Demon studies with her twice a week. She encourages Demon to pursue his talent for drawing. Demon describes Ms. Annie as a hippie, and he also develops a childish crush on her. Ms. Annie is married to Mr. Armstrong, one of Demon’s middle school English teachers. Ms. Annie and Mr. Armstrong face racism and discrimination in town when people spread rumors about them and their marriage because Ms. Annie is white and Mr. Armstrong is Black.
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Ms. Annie Character Timeline in Demon Copperhead

The timeline below shows where the character Ms. Annie appears in Demon Copperhead. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 33
Exploitation Theme Icon
Class, Social Hierarchy, and Stereotypes Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
...Vista, then met his wife, who was another Vista. Demon first heard about his wife, Ms. Annie , because some people in town don’t approve of their marriage because she’s white and... (full context)
Chapter 34
Class, Social Hierarchy, and Stereotypes Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon supportive, but from a distance. His main gifted and talented activity is meeting with Ms. Annie twice a week to work in the art studio. Time has never flown so fast... (full context)
Chapter 50
Exploitation Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
...park in Jonesville. Angus tells him that U-Haul is spreading rumors that the art teacher, Ms. Annie , has been having sex with someone behind Mr. Armstrong’s back—and that if people want... (full context)
Exploitation Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
After talking with Angus, Demon goes to the high school to see Ms. Annie . Ms. Annie tells him she hopes he’ll come back to school. Demon tells her... (full context)
Chapter 51
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
...comic. Around the same time, Demon gets fired from Sonic. He goes to dinner at Ms. Annie and Mr. Armstrong’s house because he wants to talk to Ms. Annie about the contract... (full context)
Exploitation Theme Icon
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Toxic Masculinity Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
Demon agrees to do weekly comics for the newspaper. Ms. Annie pushes Pinkie to get $50 per strip. Tommy will help him with story ideas and... (full context)
Chapter 62
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
...York contacts him about making those comics into a book. He wants to talk to Ms. Annie about the offer. He’s been a “sober living resident” for three and a half years,... (full context)
Chapter 63
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Toxic Masculinity Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
Demon decides to go back to Lee County to visit Ms. Annie , who is pregnant. He also tells June he’s coming, but he doesn’t tell anyone... (full context)