Demon Copperhead


Barbara Kingsolver

U-Haul Character Analysis

U-Haul, born Ryan Pyles, is Coach Winfield’s assistant who will later become an assistant football coach. U-Haul is jealous of the attention Demon gets from Coach and is sexually interested in Angus, who is a teenager. He’s a lascivious, exploitative person who ultimately tries to blackmail Angus into having sex with him by claiming that Coach has been embezzling funds meant for the football team and threatening to expose him. Demon helps subdue U-Haul before he can harm Angus, and he learns that U-Haul the one who has been embezzling money.
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U-Haul Character Timeline in Demon Copperhead

The timeline below shows where the character U-Haul appears in Demon Copperhead. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 28
Exploitation Theme Icon
Toxic Masculinity Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
...up with Saturday practice. He introduces himself as Ryan Pyles and says people call him U-Haul. Demon doesn’t want to go with the man, but neither he nor Jane Ellen sees... (full context)
Chapter 33
Class, Social Hierarchy, and Stereotypes Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
...what people are like—sooner or later, they’ll either turn against you or die. One night, U-Haul corners Demon and accuses him of being self-important. He tells Demon that he better not... (full context)
Chapter 46
Exploitation Theme Icon
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Toxic Masculinity Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
...and is talking about implementing a curfew and lockdown. When Demon gets to Coach’s house, U-Haul confronts him. He says Coach has put him in charge of making sure Demon gets... (full context)
Chapter 47
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
...bring himself to leave Dori at the end of each day, even though he knows U-Haul is keeping close tabs on him, and he’s supposed to sleep at Coach’s. Then Betsy... (full context)
Chapter 52
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
...she’s afraid that Mr. McCobb is in over his head on something with someone named U-Haul. Demon tells Haillie to stay as far away from U-Haul as possible. June hears where... (full context)
Chapter 55
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
...up, it’s Angus. She says he needs to come over immediately. She says it’s about U-Haul. If possible, she wants Demon to kill him. (full context)
Exploitation Theme Icon
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
When Demon gets to the house, Angus and U-Haul are circling the kitchen table. Demon can’t tell who is trying to catch whom. Demon... (full context)
Exploitation Theme Icon
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
Demon says Coach would never steal money. Angus agrees, but U-Haul is in charge of bookkeeping, and he’s been funneling money into his mom’s bank account... (full context)