Doctor Faustus


Christopher Marlowe

Helen of Troy Character Analysis

In Greek mythology, Helen is the most beautiful woman in the entire world and the cause of the Trojan War (the Trojan prince Paris stole her from her Greek husband Menelaus). The scholars ask Faustus to summon Helen and Faustus later asks Mephastophilis to make Helen his lover, so that her beauty can distract him from his impending doom.
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Helen of Troy Character Timeline in Doctor Faustus

The timeline below shows where the character Helen of Troy appears in Doctor Faustus. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Scene 12
Faustus and Mephastophilis are with several scholars. One of them asks Faustus to conjure up Helen, the mythical Greek woman who was supposedly the most beautiful woman in the world. Faustus... (full context)
...the old man for making him doubt his bargain, and then asks him to make Helen his lover, so that her “sweet embracings may extinguish clean” his anxieties about his deal... (full context)
Helen appears and Faustus begs for her kiss, asking her to “give me my soul again,”... (full context)