Don Quixote

Don Quixote


Miguel de Cervantes

Sancho is a peasant who lives in Quixote’s village, and he is Quixote’s faithful squire. Sancho’s transformation over the course of the two parts of the history is an astonishing one. In the beginning, he is a coarse, greedy, gluttonous, big-bellied peasant – or, at least, that is his part to play. He is illiterate and ignorant, and he finds Quixote’s ideas mystifying and irrelevant. But as he observes Quixote’s marvelous, hopeless, inexplicable courage, his distrust turns to affection and admiration. He begins to listen closely to Quixote’s wild-eyed speeches, and he finds them to be beautiful and true. He admires Quixote’s intelligence and kind spirit. By the beginning of the second part, he has begun to take Quixote’s ideas about self-making to heart; he, too, can be intelligent, big-hearted, and idealistic, if he chooses. Slowly, blunderingly, he does become intelligent and big-hearted. By the end of the novel, he has turned into a wise arbiter, a fine judge of human nature.

Sancho Panza Quotes in Don Quixote

The Don Quixote quotes below are all either spoken by Sancho Panza or refer to Sancho Panza. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1, Chapter 8 Quotes

But Don Quixote was so convinced that they were giants that he neither heard his squire Sancho’s shouts nor saw what stood in front of him.

Related Characters: Don Quixote de la Mancha, Sancho Panza
Page Number: 64
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Part 1, Chapter 28 Quotes

An ass you are, an ass you will remain and an ass you will still be when you end your days on this earth, and it is my belief that when you come to breathe your last you still will not have grasped the fact that you are an animal.

Related Characters: Don Quixote de la Mancha (speaker), Sancho Panza
Page Number: 680
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Part 2, Chapter 8 Quotes

And so, O Sancho, our works must not stray beyond the limits imposed by the Christian religion that we profess. In slaying giants, we must slay pride; in our generosity and magnanimity, we must slay envy; in our tranquil demeanor and serene disposition, we must slay anger; in eating as little as we do and keeping vigil as much as we do, we must slay gluttony and somnolence; in our faithfulness to those whom we have made the mistresses of our thoughts, we must slay lewdness and lust; in wandering all over the world in search of opportunities to become famous knights as well as good Christians, we must slay sloth.

Related Characters: Don Quixote de la Mancha (speaker), Sancho Panza
Page Number: 536
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Sancho Panza Quotes in Don Quixote

The Don Quixote quotes below are all either spoken by Sancho Panza or refer to Sancho Panza. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1, Chapter 8 Quotes

But Don Quixote was so convinced that they were giants that he neither heard his squire Sancho’s shouts nor saw what stood in front of him.

Related Characters: Don Quixote de la Mancha, Sancho Panza
Page Number: 64
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Part 1, Chapter 28 Quotes

An ass you are, an ass you will remain and an ass you will still be when you end your days on this earth, and it is my belief that when you come to breathe your last you still will not have grasped the fact that you are an animal.

Related Characters: Don Quixote de la Mancha (speaker), Sancho Panza
Page Number: 680
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Part 2, Chapter 8 Quotes

And so, O Sancho, our works must not stray beyond the limits imposed by the Christian religion that we profess. In slaying giants, we must slay pride; in our generosity and magnanimity, we must slay envy; in our tranquil demeanor and serene disposition, we must slay anger; in eating as little as we do and keeping vigil as much as we do, we must slay gluttony and somnolence; in our faithfulness to those whom we have made the mistresses of our thoughts, we must slay lewdness and lust; in wandering all over the world in search of opportunities to become famous knights as well as good Christians, we must slay sloth.

Related Characters: Don Quixote de la Mancha (speaker), Sancho Panza
Page Number: 536
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