

Beth Macy

Sue Cantrell is a former pharmacist and long-time health-department director in Virginia who works to combat the harmful effects of OxyContin, sometimes collaborating with Art Van Zee, Sue Ella, and Sister Beth. She notices the opioid epidemic early, noting that it comes at a particularly bad time when the lack of mining jobs has caused widespread poverty in Appalachia. Her early efforts to raise awareness, however, are mostly met with silence, and officials are eager to pass the blame elsewhere. Eventually, however, the broader public does begin to recognize the extent of the crisis. Cantrell continues to work on the front lines, advocating for programs like needle exchanges that are a hard sell to some audiences but which have been proven to be the most effective options.

Dr. Sue Cantrell Quotes in Dopesick

The Dopesick quotes below are all either spoken by Dr. Sue Cantrell or refer to Dr. Sue Cantrell. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

The doctors were witnessing the same thing that Lieutenant Stallard had seen a year earlier, in 1997, on the streets. “We had always had people using Lortabs and Percocets, but they were five- or ten-milligram pills you could take every day and still function. They didn’t have to have more,” Stallard said.

“The difference with OxyContin was it turned them into nonfunctioning people”

Related Characters: Dr. Art Van Zee, Dr. Sue Cantrell, Richard Stallard, Barry Meier
Page Number: 39
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Dr. Sue Cantrell Quotes in Dopesick

The Dopesick quotes below are all either spoken by Dr. Sue Cantrell or refer to Dr. Sue Cantrell. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

The doctors were witnessing the same thing that Lieutenant Stallard had seen a year earlier, in 1997, on the streets. “We had always had people using Lortabs and Percocets, but they were five- or ten-milligram pills you could take every day and still function. They didn’t have to have more,” Stallard said.

“The difference with OxyContin was it turned them into nonfunctioning people”

Related Characters: Dr. Art Van Zee, Dr. Sue Cantrell, Richard Stallard, Barry Meier
Page Number: 39
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