

Beth Macy

Drenna Banks is the mother of Colton Banks, who dies young of an overdose. She connects with Jamie Waldrop at a Families Anonymous meeting and they bond over their shared struggles with their opioid-addicted sons. Drenna hopes that her son’s funeral can be the last of its kind for the area and pleads to Christopher Waldrop that his friend Colton would want him to get clean.
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Drenna Banks Character Timeline in Dopesick

The timeline below shows where the character Drenna Banks appears in Dopesick. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6
...mothers of opioid users meet and bond at a Families Anonymous meeting: Jamie Waldrop and Drenna Banks. Jamie and her family end up paying more than $300,000 while attempting to treat... (full context) a residential treatment center, Christopher learns that his good friend Colton Banks (son of Drenna Banks) has fatally overdosed. Colton died during what was supposed to be his “last hurrah”... (full context)
Drenna remembers how two years before Colton’s death, a family friend lost his son to heroin.... (full context)
At Colton’s funeral, Drenna presents him in an open casket. She begs during the service for Colton’s death to... (full context)