

Beth Macy

Ginger Mumpower Character Analysis

Ginger Mumpower is a community leader in Roanoke, Virginia, who is shocked when she finds out that her son, Spencer, has sold heroin to Scott Roth that led to his fatal overdose. Throughout the experience, she remains supportive of her son, spending large amounts of money to send him to rehab and visiting him in federal prison almost every weekend. Ultimately, Spencer is able to start turning his life around, but although his success story provides some hope, others in Roanoke have not been as lucky.
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Ginger Mumpower Character Timeline in Dopesick

The timeline below shows where the character Ginger Mumpower appears in Dopesick. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
...The epidemic first got attention in Roanoke when Spencer Mumpower (son of local civic leader Ginger Mumpower) went to federal prison for the overdose death of a former classmate. Finally, the... (full context)
Epilogue age in fast motion. After visiting her son, Spencer, almost every weekend since 2012, Ginger is there when he gets out in February 2017. Seven years sober, Spencer has picked... (full context)