

Beth Macy

Thomas Jones is the brother of Ronnie “D.C.” Jones and raps under the name Big Pooh, touring around the world. He suspected that his brother’s stories about running a computer repair shop may be false, but he is still shocked to learn about his brother’s heroin ring. He tries to express his complicated feelings toward his brother in song.
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Thomas Jones Character Timeline in Dopesick

The timeline below shows where the character Thomas Jones appears in Dopesick. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 12
Thomas Jones, Ronnie’s brother, recalls how as a kid, Ronnie could be difficult but generally wasn’t... (full context)
...then takes computer-repair classes, getting certified. Ronnie gets out of prison in 2008, right when Thomas’s music career is taking off. His rap name is Big Pooh, and he’s part of... (full context)
In 2010, Thomas gets a call that Ronnie is locked up again, this time for credit card fraud.... (full context)
Thomas is on tour when he gets the news that Ronnie will be serving a 23-year... (full context)