Doubt: A Parable


John Patrick Shanley

William London Character Analysis

William London is a student in Sister James’s class. When he gets a nosebleed at the beginning of the play, Sister James sends him to Sister Aloysius’s office. Sister Aloysius, in turn, sends him home, though she later tells Sister James that William may have given himself a nosebleed on purpose. This, Sister Aloysius says, is the kind of behavior that Sister James has to be on the lookout for.

William London Quotes in Doubt: A Parable

The Doubt: A Parable quotes below are all either spoken by William London or refer to William London. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Scene 2 Quotes

I’m sorry I allowed even cartridge pens into the school. The students really should only be learning script with true fountain pens. Always the easy way out these days. What does that teach? Every easy choice today will have its consequence tomorrow. Mark my words.

Related Characters: Sister Aloysius (speaker), Father Flynn, Sister James, Donald Muller, William London
Related Symbols: Ballpoint Pens
Page Number: 8
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William London Quotes in Doubt: A Parable

The Doubt: A Parable quotes below are all either spoken by William London or refer to William London. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Scene 2 Quotes

I’m sorry I allowed even cartridge pens into the school. The students really should only be learning script with true fountain pens. Always the easy way out these days. What does that teach? Every easy choice today will have its consequence tomorrow. Mark my words.

Related Characters: Sister Aloysius (speaker), Father Flynn, Sister James, Donald Muller, William London
Related Symbols: Ballpoint Pens
Page Number: 8
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