Dune Messiah


Frank Herbert

Princess Irulan Character Analysis

Princess Irulan is the daughter of a Bene Gesserit emperor whom Paul Atreides killed in the Jihad. Paul marries Irulan to graft political peace but refuses to father an heir with her. In conspiracy with the Guild, Irulan feeds Chani contraceptives and tries to beguile Paul into having a baby with her. When the members of the conspiracy are executed, Alia Atreides spares Irulan.

Princess Irulan Quotes in Dune Messiah

The Dune Messiah quotes below are all either spoken by Princess Irulan or refer to Princess Irulan . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 7 Quotes

She should have understood long ago this similarity between the spice and the ghola. Melange was valuable, but it exacted a price—addiction. It added years to a life—decades for some—but it was still just another way to die.

Related Characters: Hayt (Duncan Idaho) , Princess Irulan , Gaius Helen Mohiam
Related Symbols: Melange
Page Number: 107
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Chapter 14 Quotes

[There would be] time enough then to accept the fact that what he had concealed from her had prolonged her life. Was it evil, he wondered, to prefer Chani to an heir? By what right did he make her choice for her?

Related Characters: Paul Atreides (Muad’Dib) (speaker), Chani , Princess Irulan
Page Number: 196
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Princess Irulan Quotes in Dune Messiah

The Dune Messiah quotes below are all either spoken by Princess Irulan or refer to Princess Irulan . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 7 Quotes

She should have understood long ago this similarity between the spice and the ghola. Melange was valuable, but it exacted a price—addiction. It added years to a life—decades for some—but it was still just another way to die.

Related Characters: Hayt (Duncan Idaho) , Princess Irulan , Gaius Helen Mohiam
Related Symbols: Melange
Page Number: 107
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Chapter 14 Quotes

[There would be] time enough then to accept the fact that what he had concealed from her had prolonged her life. Was it evil, he wondered, to prefer Chani to an heir? By what right did he make her choice for her?

Related Characters: Paul Atreides (Muad’Dib) (speaker), Chani , Princess Irulan
Page Number: 196
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