Dune Messiah


Frank Herbert

Kwisatz Haderach Term Analysis

A kwisatz haderach is a “chosen one” bred by the Bene Gesserit. They have the power to see the future.

Kwisatz Haderach Quotes in Dune Messiah

The Dune Messiah quotes below are all either spoken by Kwisatz Haderach or refer to Kwisatz Haderach. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 15 Quotes

“[Paul] was a creature who had developed firmly into one pattern. He’d destroy himself before changing into the opposite of that pattern. That had been the way with the Tleilaxu kwisatz haderach. It’d be the way with this one. And then…the ghola.”

Related Characters: Scytale (speaker), Paul Atreides (Muad’Dib) , Hayt (Duncan Idaho) , Edric
Page Number: 209
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