


Frank Herbert

Imperial Conditioning Term Analysis

A seemingly absolute conditioning against taking human life, Imperial Conditioning is taught at Suk Medical Schools. An individual who has received Imperial Conditioning is marked by a diamond tattoo on their forehead and wears their hair in a silver ring. Graduates of the Suk Schools are the universe’s most trusted individuals. However, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen’s coercion of Dr. Wellington Yueh into betraying House Atreides in the events of Dune demonstrates that Imperial Conditioning can be corrupted.
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Imperial Conditioning Term Timeline in Dune

The timeline below shows where the term Imperial Conditioning appears in Dune. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 1, Part 2
...This is a surprising coup because Yueh is a Suk school doctor who has undergone Imperial Conditioning , a strict training program that ensures its doctors unable to cause harm to human... (full context)
Book 1, Part 5
...Wellington Yueh from “Dictionary of Muad’Dib.” Yueh is a graduate of the Suk School for Imperial Conditioning and is historically remembered for betraying Duke Leto Atreides. (full context)