Eichmann in Jerusalem


Hannah Arendt

Ernst Kaltenbrunner Character Analysis

A Nazi official who helped Eichmann join the S.S. and later took charge of the R.S.H.A. after Reinhardt Heydrich’s assassination. Eichmann and Kaltenbrunner’s fathers were friends, but during their entire relationship Kaltenbrunner looked down on Eichmann, to the latter’s chagrin. He was convicted and executed at the Nuremberg Trials, where he was the highest-ranking official made to answer for his crimes.

Ernst Kaltenbrunner Quotes in Eichmann in Jerusalem

The Eichmann in Jerusalem quotes below are all either spoken by Ernst Kaltenbrunner or refer to Ernst Kaltenbrunner. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

From a humdrum life without significance and consequence the wind had blown him into History, as he understood it, namely, into a Movement that always kept moving and in which somebody like him—already a failure in the eyes of his social class, of his family, and hence in his own eyes as well—could start from scratch and still make a career.

Related Characters: Adolf Eichmann, Adolf Hitler, Ernst Kaltenbrunner
Page Number: 33
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Ernst Kaltenbrunner Quotes in Eichmann in Jerusalem

The Eichmann in Jerusalem quotes below are all either spoken by Ernst Kaltenbrunner or refer to Ernst Kaltenbrunner. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

From a humdrum life without significance and consequence the wind had blown him into History, as he understood it, namely, into a Movement that always kept moving and in which somebody like him—already a failure in the eyes of his social class, of his family, and hence in his own eyes as well—could start from scratch and still make a career.

Related Characters: Adolf Eichmann, Adolf Hitler, Ernst Kaltenbrunner
Page Number: 33
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