Eichmann in Jerusalem


Hannah Arendt

Heinrich Müller Character Analysis

The chief of the Gestapo and Eichmann’s admired immediate superior. He coordinated Eichmann’s trips to negotiate deportations with the governments and Jewish Councils in various occupied countries. Although he was present for Hitler’s suicide in Berlin, he was never seen or heard from again, and his fate remains a mystery; at trial, Eichmann claimed Müller was still alive.
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Heinrich Müller Character Timeline in Eichmann in Jerusalem

The timeline below shows where the character Heinrich Müller appears in Eichmann in Jerusalem. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4: The First Solution: Expulsion
...of emigration. The Reich Center for Jewish Emigration, established in 1938 and headed by Heinrich Müller, was based on Eichmann’s Vienna office. (full context)
...War began six months later, in September, and Eichmann returned to Berlin to take over Müller’s post at the Reich Center for Jewish Emigration, just as the Nazis were giving up... (full context)
Chapter 5: The Second Solution: Concentration
Heinrich Müller headed the R.S.H.A. Gestapo bureau, Section IV. Eichmann worked directly for him in Subsection IV-B,... (full context)