Eichmann in Jerusalem


Hannah Arendt

The largest and deadliest system of Nazi concentration and extermination camps, located in what is now southern Poland.

Auschwitz Quotes in Eichmann in Jerusalem

The Eichmann in Jerusalem quotes below are all either spoken by Auschwitz or refer to Auschwitz. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Epilogue Quotes

In the eyes of the Jews, thinking exclusively in terms of their own history, the catastrophe that had befallen them under Hitler, in which a third of the people perished, appeared not as the most recent of crimes, the unprecedented crime of genocide, but, on the contrary, as the oldest crime they knew and remembered. This misunderstanding, almost inevitable if we consider not only the facts of Jewish history but also, and more important, the current Jewish historical self-understanding, is actually at the root of all the failures and shortcomings of the Jerusalem trial. None of the participants ever arrived at a clear understanding of the actual horror of Auschwitz, which is of a different nature from all the atrocities of the past, because it appeared to prosecution and judges alike as not much more than the most horrible pogrom in Jewish history. They therefore believed that a direct line existed from the early anti-Semitism of the Nazi Party to the Nuremberg Laws and from there to the expulsion of Jews from the Reich and, finally, to the gas chambers. Politically and legally, however, these were “crimes” different not only in degree of seriousness but in essence.

Related Characters: Adolf Eichmann, Gideon Hausner, David Ben-Gurion, Adolf Hitler
Page Number: 267
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Auschwitz Term Timeline in Eichmann in Jerusalem

The timeline below shows where the term Auschwitz appears in Eichmann in Jerusalem. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3: An Expert on the Jewish Question
...Dr. Rudolf Kastner, later worked with Eichmann to deport hundreds of thousands of Jews to Auschwitz in exchange for a few thousand winning free passage to Palestine. (full context)
Chapter 6: The Final Solution: Killing
...home). He saw one group go to their deaths at Treblinka, but never visited the Auschwitz gas chambers or actually watched people being gassed. He merely saw and knew all he... (full context)
Chapter 11: Deportations from the Balkans—Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania
...of Greek Jews who lived in Salonika were sent to a ghetto, then deported to Auschwitz. Some escaped to the Italian-occupied region, but the Italian Army soon collapsed and German deportations... (full context)
Chapter 12: Deportations from Central Europe—Hungary and Slovakia
Eichmann tried to coordinate deportations from Hungary with “lightning speed,” and officers at Auschwitz prepared to gas Hungarian Jews as soon as they arrived. This continued for two months... (full context)
Chapter 13: The Killing Centers in the East
...under his purview, even if he did ship Jews from other parts of Europe to Auschwitz. Yet without any discernible evidence, the court rules “in dubio contra reum” (in doubt, against... (full context)