Eichmann in Jerusalem


Hannah Arendt

The 1942 meeting, led by Reinhardt Heydrich, at which Nazi ministers planned the Final Solution. Eichmann was the conference’s secretary and lowest-ranking participant; to Heydrich’s surprise, no one had any qualms about or objections to his plans for genocide.
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Wannsee Conference Term Timeline in Eichmann in Jerusalem

The timeline below shows where the term Wannsee Conference appears in Eichmann in Jerusalem. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7: The Wannsee Conference, or Pontius Pilate
...she has presented so far; the crucial moment in his mind was the January 1942 Wannsee Conference , at which various Ministers in the Nazi government assembled at Heydrich’s request to plan... (full context)
Chapter 9: Deportations from the Reich—Germany, Austria, and the Protectorate
Eichmann faced “no questions of conscience” between the 1942 Wannsee Conference and the end of the Final Solution in 1944; he was focused on organizing and... (full context)