El Filibusterismo


José Rizal

Father Florentino Character Analysis

Father Florentino is an indio priest and Isagani’s uncle. Florentino resides in the provinces, and he is a kindhearted man and firm believer in nonviolence and self-improvement. Florentino harbors both Don Tiburcio and, later, Simoun. Florentino comforts Simoun and urges him to keep believing in a free and just future for the Philippines, even as he condemns the methods Simoun used to try to bring that future about. After Simoun’s death, Florentino throws his jewels into the ocean, having decided that they only bring about greed and evil.

Father Florentino Quotes in El Filibusterismo

The El Filibusterismo quotes below are all either spoken by Father Florentino or refer to Father Florentino. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
39. Conclusion Quotes

“The glory of saving a country doesn’t mean having to use the measures that contributed to its ruin! You have believed that what crime iniquity have stained and deformed, another crime and another iniquity can purify and redeem! That’s wrong! Hatred creates nothing but monsters. Only love can bring about wondrous things. Only virtue is redemptive! No, if someday our country can be free, it will not be by vice and crime, not by corruption of our children, by cheating some, and buying others. No, redemption supposes virtue, sacrifice, and sacrifice, love!”

Related Characters: Father Florentino (speaker), Simoun (Ibarra)
Page Number: 323-324
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“May nature keep you in its deep abyss, with the coral and pearls of its eternal seas,” the cleric then said, solemnly holding out his hand. “When men need you for a holy, sublime reason, God will pull you from the bosom of your waves. And meanwhile, where you are now you will do no harm, you won’t twist what is right, nor be the cause of any avarice!”

Related Characters: Father Florentino (speaker)
Related Symbols: Simoun’s Jewels
Page Number: 328
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Father Florentino Quotes in El Filibusterismo

The El Filibusterismo quotes below are all either spoken by Father Florentino or refer to Father Florentino. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
39. Conclusion Quotes

“The glory of saving a country doesn’t mean having to use the measures that contributed to its ruin! You have believed that what crime iniquity have stained and deformed, another crime and another iniquity can purify and redeem! That’s wrong! Hatred creates nothing but monsters. Only love can bring about wondrous things. Only virtue is redemptive! No, if someday our country can be free, it will not be by vice and crime, not by corruption of our children, by cheating some, and buying others. No, redemption supposes virtue, sacrifice, and sacrifice, love!”

Related Characters: Father Florentino (speaker), Simoun (Ibarra)
Page Number: 323-324
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“May nature keep you in its deep abyss, with the coral and pearls of its eternal seas,” the cleric then said, solemnly holding out his hand. “When men need you for a holy, sublime reason, God will pull you from the bosom of your waves. And meanwhile, where you are now you will do no harm, you won’t twist what is right, nor be the cause of any avarice!”

Related Characters: Father Florentino (speaker)
Related Symbols: Simoun’s Jewels
Page Number: 328
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