Ella Minnow Pea


Mark Dunn

Agnes Character Analysis

Mittie’s friend who has a difficult time with the Council’s ban on writing or speaking any letters that fall from Nevin Nollop’s statue. Agnes confesses to Mittie that all she can do is bake, because when she bakes she does not have to speak. Gradually, however, the bans take up so much mental energy that Agnes stops baking and she considers not speaking so that she can remain on the island. Unfortunately, this is foiled by the fact that she incurs a third offense in a letter that she writes to Mittie, and she is sent to the United States.

Agnes Quotes in Ella Minnow Pea

The Ella Minnow Pea quotes below are all either spoken by Agnes or refer to Agnes. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 4 Quotes

When I bake, I do not have to speak. When I bake, I do not have to make sense of anything except the ingredients summoned by memory that I have laid out in front of me. Sometimes the children offer to help, but I do not accept. This is something best done alone. Something I do well. One of the few things I can actually do.

Related Characters: Agnes (speaker), High Island Council, Nevin Nollop, Mittie Purcy
Page Number: 62
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Agnes Quotes in Ella Minnow Pea

The Ella Minnow Pea quotes below are all either spoken by Agnes or refer to Agnes. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 4 Quotes

When I bake, I do not have to speak. When I bake, I do not have to make sense of anything except the ingredients summoned by memory that I have laid out in front of me. Sometimes the children offer to help, but I do not accept. This is something best done alone. Something I do well. One of the few things I can actually do.

Related Characters: Agnes (speaker), High Island Council, Nevin Nollop, Mittie Purcy
Page Number: 62
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