Enduring Love


Ian McEwan

Harry Gadd Character Analysis

Harry Gadd is the ten-year-old grandson of James Gadd and the child whose imperilment begins the novel. Trapped in the basket of a wind-tossed hot-air balloon, Harry must be rescued before the balloon can be blown into nearby power lines. Once John Logan falls to his death and Harry realizes that he is on his own, he slowly lets air out of the balloon and returns to the ground safely.

Harry Gadd Quotes in Enduring Love

The Enduring Love quotes below are all either spoken by Harry Gadd or refer to Harry Gadd. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Importance of Loyalty Theme Icon
Chapter 1 Quotes

Every fraction of a second that passed increased the drop, and the point must come when to let go would be impossible or fatal. And compared with me, Harry was safe, curled up in the basket. The balloon might well come down safely at the bottom of the hill. And perhaps my impulse to hang on was nothing more than a continuation of what I had been attempting moments before, simply a failure to adjust quickly.

Related Characters: Joe Rose (speaker), Jed Parry, John Logan, James Gadd, Harry Gadd, Joseph Lacey, Toby Greene
Page Number: 14
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 3 Quotes

I said, “We tried to help and we failed.”
She smiled and shook her head. I went and stood by her chair and put my arms around her and protectively kissed the top of her head. With a sigh she pressed her face against my shirt and looped her arms around my waist. Her voice was muffled. “You’re such a dope. You’re so rational sometimes you’re like a child.”

Related Characters: Joe Rose (speaker), Clarissa Mellon (speaker), James Gadd, Harry Gadd
Page Number: 36
Explanation and Analysis:
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Harry Gadd Quotes in Enduring Love

The Enduring Love quotes below are all either spoken by Harry Gadd or refer to Harry Gadd. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Importance of Loyalty Theme Icon
Chapter 1 Quotes

Every fraction of a second that passed increased the drop, and the point must come when to let go would be impossible or fatal. And compared with me, Harry was safe, curled up in the basket. The balloon might well come down safely at the bottom of the hill. And perhaps my impulse to hang on was nothing more than a continuation of what I had been attempting moments before, simply a failure to adjust quickly.

Related Characters: Joe Rose (speaker), Jed Parry, John Logan, James Gadd, Harry Gadd, Joseph Lacey, Toby Greene
Page Number: 14
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 3 Quotes

I said, “We tried to help and we failed.”
She smiled and shook her head. I went and stood by her chair and put my arms around her and protectively kissed the top of her head. With a sigh she pressed her face against my shirt and looped her arms around my waist. Her voice was muffled. “You’re such a dope. You’re so rational sometimes you’re like a child.”

Related Characters: Joe Rose (speaker), Clarissa Mellon (speaker), James Gadd, Harry Gadd
Page Number: 36
Explanation and Analysis: