

Percival Everett

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Snookie Cane Character Analysis

Snookie Cane, a talk show host, is a character in My Pafology. Monk seems to have loosely modeled her after real-life talk show host Kenya Dunston, on whose show Monk (as Stagg R. Leigh) appears later in Erasure. In My Pafology, Snookie Cane tricks Go into appearing on a segment of her show in which the four mothers of Go’s four children confront him about his failure to pay child support.
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Snookie Cane Character Timeline in Erasure

The timeline below shows where the character Snookie Cane appears in Erasure. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
My Pafology: Seben
Familial Obligation vs. Personal Needs  Theme Icon
Artistic Integrity vs. Commercial Success  Theme Icon
Baby Girl wakes Go up the next morning and excitedly tells him that Snookie Cane is on the phone and wants him to appear on the Snookie Cane Show. Go... (full context)
Race and Identity  Theme Icon
Artistic Integrity vs. Commercial Success  Theme Icon
Snookie Cane stands in the middle of the audience and smugly welcomes Go. She tells him the... (full context)
Familial Obligation vs. Personal Needs  Theme Icon
Artistic Integrity vs. Commercial Success  Theme Icon
...into the audience and sees Mama sitting in the front row. She starts to cry. Snookie Cane notices and asks Mama who she is. Between sniffles, Mama tells the audience that she’s... (full context)
Artistic Integrity vs. Commercial Success  Theme Icon
Just then, Snookie Cane turns to Go and tells him they have another surprise for him. She asks if... (full context)