Nath looks out his bedroom window at
Jack’s house and plans to sneak out to find him. He thinks back on the night before, the last time saw
Lydia. He’d just come back from a four-day campus visit to
Harvard, where he’d been thrilled by his first taste of college life. On returning home, he’d asked Lydia how the past few days had been and she’d barely replied. Meanwhile,
Hannah is reading
The Sound and the Fury, which she’d stolen from Lydia a few weeks before. The book is annotated with Lydia’s notes from class, but only up until a certain point. The night before, Hannah had been lying in bed when she was awoken by a “soft thud” at 2am. She’d seen a slim figure walking across the front lawn and realized it was Lydia. Hannah imagined what life would be like if her sister left, how her parents favoritism of Lydia might transfer to Hannah. She thinks of her family’s distress at Lydia’s disappearance and how angry they would be if they knew Hannah didn’t stop her from leaving—but as Hannah had watched, she didn’t know where Lydia was going, or even really believe that she was leaving at all.