


M. T. Anderson

Violet’s father Character Analysis

Violet’s father is one of the novel’s most poignant characters. A highly intelligent, often argumentative man, he teaches “dead languages” (mostly computer languages) at a university. He’s extremely critical of his own society, especially the overpowering culture of conspicuous consumption. However, Violet’s father also recognizes that having a feed is a necessity in America: he gets his own feed, which he carries around on his back (giving himself a permanent hunch) and arranges for a feed to be implanted in Violet’s brain. Toward the end of the novel, when complications with Violet’s feed threaten to kill her, Violet’s father personal blames himself for his daughter’s suffering. While Titus initially thinks of Violet’s father as a “weird” old man, it slowly becomes clear that he’s one of the only characters in the book who understands how horrifying the society of Feed really is.

Violet’s father Quotes in Feed

The Feed quotes below are all either spoken by Violet’s father or refer to Violet’s father. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 3: Observe the Remarkable Verdure Quotes

He said in a high-pitched voice, like a teensy-weensy kind of voice, "Ooooooh! Observe the remarkable verdure! Little friend, I am master of all I survey."

Related Characters: Titus (speaker), Violet’s father (speaker)
Page Number: 137
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Part 4: The Deep Quotes

"It's almost time for foosball. It will be a gala. Go along, little child. Go back and hang with the eloi."
"What are the eloi?"
"It's a reference," he said, snotty. "It's from The Time Machine. H. G. Wells."
I stepped closer to him. "What does it mean?" I asked. "Because I'm sick of—"
"Read it."
"I'm sick of being told I'm stupid."
"So read it, and you'll know."
"Tell me."
"Read it."

Related Characters: Titus (speaker), Violet’s father (speaker)
Page Number: 291
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Violet’s father Quotes in Feed

The Feed quotes below are all either spoken by Violet’s father or refer to Violet’s father. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 3: Observe the Remarkable Verdure Quotes

He said in a high-pitched voice, like a teensy-weensy kind of voice, "Ooooooh! Observe the remarkable verdure! Little friend, I am master of all I survey."

Related Characters: Titus (speaker), Violet’s father (speaker)
Page Number: 137
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Part 4: The Deep Quotes

"It's almost time for foosball. It will be a gala. Go along, little child. Go back and hang with the eloi."
"What are the eloi?"
"It's a reference," he said, snotty. "It's from The Time Machine. H. G. Wells."
I stepped closer to him. "What does it mean?" I asked. "Because I'm sick of—"
"Read it."
"I'm sick of being told I'm stupid."
"So read it, and you'll know."
"Tell me."
"Read it."

Related Characters: Titus (speaker), Violet’s father (speaker)
Page Number: 291
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