Fever 1793


Laurie Halse Anderson

Dr. Benjamin Rush Character Analysis

Dr. Rush was a revered doctor and also a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Though Dr. Rush advocated for many cutting-edge practices, his fever remedies—consisting of blood-letting and purgative medicines—were behind the times and may have been harmful. Dr. Rush invites the Free African Society to nurse fever victims throughout Philadelphia.

Dr. Benjamin Rush Quotes in Fever 1793

The Fever 1793 quotes below are all either spoken by Dr. Benjamin Rush or refer to Dr. Benjamin Rush. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 14 Quotes

“You’ll hear folks say that Dr. Rush is a hero for saving folks with his purges and blood letting. But I’ve seen different. It’s these French doctors here that know how to cure the fever. I don’t care if Dr. Rush did sign the Declaration of Independence. I wouldn’t let him and his knives near me.”

I shivered as I remembered the blood Dr. Kerr had drained from Mother. Maybe Grandfather should return to the house and bring her here. What if Dr. Kerr bled her too much?

Related Characters: Mrs. Bridget Flagg (speaker), Matilda “Mattie” Cook, Lucille Cook (“Mother”), Dr. Benjamin Rush, Dr. Kerr
Page Number: 103
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Dr. Benjamin Rush Quotes in Fever 1793

The Fever 1793 quotes below are all either spoken by Dr. Benjamin Rush or refer to Dr. Benjamin Rush. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 14 Quotes

“You’ll hear folks say that Dr. Rush is a hero for saving folks with his purges and blood letting. But I’ve seen different. It’s these French doctors here that know how to cure the fever. I don’t care if Dr. Rush did sign the Declaration of Independence. I wouldn’t let him and his knives near me.”

I shivered as I remembered the blood Dr. Kerr had drained from Mother. Maybe Grandfather should return to the house and bring her here. What if Dr. Kerr bled her too much?

Related Characters: Mrs. Bridget Flagg (speaker), Matilda “Mattie” Cook, Lucille Cook (“Mother”), Dr. Benjamin Rush, Dr. Kerr
Page Number: 103
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