Fever 1793


Laurie Halse Anderson

Nathaniel Benson Character Analysis

Nathaniel is Mattie’s longtime crush. Though Mattie’s family dismisses him as a good-for-nothing scamp, he shows promise as an apprentice to the Peales, a family of talented painters. He and Mattie watched the balloon sail together, and he sends her a painting of flowers when they’re separated during the epidemic. Mattie and Nathaniel have “an understanding” (an unofficial engagement) by the end of the novel.

Nathaniel Benson Quotes in Fever 1793

The Fever 1793 quotes below are all either spoken by Nathaniel Benson or refer to Nathaniel Benson. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

A few blocks south lay the Walnut Street Prison, where Blanchard had flown that remarkable balloon. From the prison’s courtyard it rose, a yellow silk bubble escaping the earth. I vowed to do that one day, slip free of the ropes that held me. Nathaniel Benson had heard me say it, but he did not laugh. He understood. Perhaps I would see him at the docks, sketching a ship or sea gulls. It had been a long time since we talked.

Related Characters: Matilda “Mattie” Cook (speaker), Lucille Cook (“Mother”), Nathaniel Benson
Related Symbols: Yellow Balloon
Page Number: 4
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Nathaniel Benson Quotes in Fever 1793

The Fever 1793 quotes below are all either spoken by Nathaniel Benson or refer to Nathaniel Benson. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

A few blocks south lay the Walnut Street Prison, where Blanchard had flown that remarkable balloon. From the prison’s courtyard it rose, a yellow silk bubble escaping the earth. I vowed to do that one day, slip free of the ropes that held me. Nathaniel Benson had heard me say it, but he did not laugh. He understood. Perhaps I would see him at the docks, sketching a ship or sea gulls. It had been a long time since we talked.

Related Characters: Matilda “Mattie” Cook (speaker), Lucille Cook (“Mother”), Nathaniel Benson
Related Symbols: Yellow Balloon
Page Number: 4
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