

Jorge Luis Borges

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A friend of the narrator who appears in “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius.” Bioy, though the narrator does not reveal much about him, sparks the action of the story by remembering a quote from Uqbar and then engaging with Borges in a search (largely in vain) for more information on Uqbar.
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Bioy Casares Character Timeline in Ficciones

The timeline below shows where the character Bioy Casares appears in Ficciones. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
1. Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius
Investigation and Knowledge Theme Icon
Reality vs. Illusion Theme Icon
I.  One day, as the narrator dines with his friend Bioy Casares, the sight of a mirror reminds Bioy of a quote: “mirrors and copulation are... (full context)
Investigation and Knowledge Theme Icon
...are purely fantastical, referring to two imaginary regions called Mlejnas and Tlön. Later, Borges and Bioy visit the National Library but are unable to find any information on Uqbar. (full context)