

Jorge Luis Borges

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The Englishman of Colorada/The Irishman/John Vincent Moon Character Analysis

In “The Form of the Sword,” Borges spends a night talking to the Englishman of Colorada. He learns that the Englishman is actually Irish, and he tells Borges the story of how he got his scar. The Irishman was a revolutionary for Irish independence when he met John Vincent Moon, a fellow young communist revolutionary. However, when he finds out that Moon is betraying the cause, he cuts Moon’s face. The Irishman then reveals that he himself is Moon and that he told the story from an alternate perspective so that Borges would listen.

The Englishman of Colorada/The Irishman/John Vincent Moon Quotes in Ficciones

The Ficciones quotes below are all either spoken by The Englishman of Colorada/The Irishman/John Vincent Moon or refer to The Englishman of Colorada/The Irishman/John Vincent Moon. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Investigation and Knowledge Theme Icon
10. The Form of the Sword Quotes

“You don’t believe me?” He stammered. “Don’t you see the mark of infamy written on my face? I told you the story to way I did so that you would hear it to the end. I informed on the man who took me in: I am Vincent Moon. Despise me.”

Related Characters: The Englishman of Colorada/The Irishman/John Vincent Moon (speaker), Borges/The Narrator
Page Number: 122
Explanation and Analysis:
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The Englishman of Colorada/The Irishman/John Vincent Moon Quotes in Ficciones

The Ficciones quotes below are all either spoken by The Englishman of Colorada/The Irishman/John Vincent Moon or refer to The Englishman of Colorada/The Irishman/John Vincent Moon. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Investigation and Knowledge Theme Icon
10. The Form of the Sword Quotes

“You don’t believe me?” He stammered. “Don’t you see the mark of infamy written on my face? I told you the story to way I did so that you would hear it to the end. I informed on the man who took me in: I am Vincent Moon. Despise me.”

Related Characters: The Englishman of Colorada/The Irishman/John Vincent Moon (speaker), Borges/The Narrator
Page Number: 122
Explanation and Analysis: