

Jorge Luis Borges

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Ts’ui Pên Character Analysis

Ts’ui Pên is Yu Tsun’s great-grandfather in “The Garden of Forking Paths.” He is famous for having set out to write a novel and create a labyrinth, and though he did write a novel, everyone thinks he failed because he never created the labyrinth. However, Stephen Albert—who is familiar with Ts’ui Pên’s work—tells Yu Tsun that his great-grandfather actually did create a labyrinth: after all, the novel itself was the labyrinth.
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Ts’ui Pên Character Timeline in Ficciones

The timeline below shows where the character Ts’ui Pên appears in Ficciones. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
8. The Garden of Forking Paths
Infinity Theme Icon
...a trick to get to the middle of a labyrinth. He thinks about his great-grandfather, Ts’ui Pên , who gave up an illustrious political career to write a novel and create a... (full context)
Perspective, Authorship, and Subjectivity Theme Icon
Infinity Theme Icon
...Albert relates his life story, including his dream to become a Sinologist. The men discuss Ts’ui Pên ’s work. Albert comments on how strange a mission Ts’ui Pên took on, having been... (full context)