Fiela’s Child


Dalene Matthee

Fiela’s Child: Chapter 30 Summary & Analysis

Fiela asks Kittie to help her write a letter to Benjamin. She writes that he should come home if things ever get to be too much for him. She leaves out, however, that Tollie is now in jail. Fiela lets Selling add to the letter, and he dictates almost a full page, much of it about the ostriches. Kittie adds her part to the letter, then Fiela says she has one last thing: to give her greetings to Nina.
This is the final chapter in which the Komoeties are present. It shows how they will continue to stay in contact with Benjamin even as he steps out to make his own way in the world. While there are still challenges they face, like Tollie’s imprisonment, ultimately the Komoeties have managed to survive in Wolwekraal for a long time and seem poised to continue that way.