

Robbie Arnott

The Detective Character Analysis

Levi hires the detective to find Charlotte when the police department gives up their search. With her short hair and dark lipstick, the detective is well aware of how strange she must appear to the average resident of rural Tasmania—but she doesn’t mind the isolation this provides her. The failure of her long-term relationship several years ago led to her switching from a safe, corporate job in the city to the turbulent life of a private detective. Though the detective is strategic and cunning, she’s also motivated by a sense of righteousness, and she demonstrates these dual qualities when she finds the miners, lures them out for a walk, and then, when they touch her, uses physical force against them. Though she only agreed to find Charlotte for the money, the detective is vital to Charlotte and Levi’s reunion, and due to the fact that she travels home without pestering Levi for payment, it’s clear that—unlike Thurston—she’s able to put her own interests aside, at least temporarily, for the sake of others’ feelings and needs.

The Detective Quotes in Flames

The Flames quotes below are all either spoken by The Detective or refer to The Detective. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Grief and Human Connection  Theme Icon
Ice Quotes

What case would you like to speak to the senior detective about? He’s very busy. The boy-cop smiled back, and behind his too-white teeth I could see his fragile little thoughts tracing lines, making assumptions, bouncing off words like Duty and Career and Citizen and Safety.

Related Characters: The Detective (speaker), Graham Malik
Page Number: 71
Explanation and Analysis:

I could’ve gone over, shown them my photo of the McAllister girl and tried to sweet-talk the information out of them, but my gut told me they wouldn’t give me anything. The boorish looks on their faces told me something else. I didn’t like it, but I knew I could handle it.

Related Characters: The Detective (speaker), The Miners
Page Number: 78
Explanation and Analysis:
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The Detective Quotes in Flames

The Flames quotes below are all either spoken by The Detective or refer to The Detective. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Grief and Human Connection  Theme Icon
Ice Quotes

What case would you like to speak to the senior detective about? He’s very busy. The boy-cop smiled back, and behind his too-white teeth I could see his fragile little thoughts tracing lines, making assumptions, bouncing off words like Duty and Career and Citizen and Safety.

Related Characters: The Detective (speaker), Graham Malik
Page Number: 71
Explanation and Analysis:

I could’ve gone over, shown them my photo of the McAllister girl and tried to sweet-talk the information out of them, but my gut told me they wouldn’t give me anything. The boorish looks on their faces told me something else. I didn’t like it, but I knew I could handle it.

Related Characters: The Detective (speaker), The Miners
Page Number: 78
Explanation and Analysis: