

Edwin A. Abbott

The king of the one-dimensional world of Lineland. Rude and ignorant, the Monarch fails to see or even consider anything that is not natural to his world. Despite A Squares efforts to explain the second dimension, the king is unwilling to hear his ideas, and resorts to violence and attacks his teacher.

The Monarch of Lineland Quotes in Flatland

The Flatland quotes below are all either spoken by The Monarch of Lineland or refer to The Monarch of Lineland . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 13 Quotes

It seemed that this poor ignorant Monarch—as he called himself—was persuaded that the Straight Line which he called his Kingdom, and in which he passed his existence, constituted the whole of the world, and indeed the whole of Space.

Related Characters: A Square (speaker), The Monarch of Lineland
Page Number: Pages 44-45
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The Monarch of Lineland Quotes in Flatland

The Flatland quotes below are all either spoken by The Monarch of Lineland or refer to The Monarch of Lineland . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 13 Quotes

It seemed that this poor ignorant Monarch—as he called himself—was persuaded that the Straight Line which he called his Kingdom, and in which he passed his existence, constituted the whole of the world, and indeed the whole of Space.

Related Characters: A Square (speaker), The Monarch of Lineland
Page Number: Pages 44-45
Explanation and Analysis:
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