Fly Away Peter


David Malouf

Eric Sawney Character Analysis

One of Jim’s fellow infantryman in World War I. Eric is a boyish soldier who hardly seems old enough to be in the military. An orphan, he latches onto Clancy Parkett early on, following him wherever he goes. Eric gets his legs blown off in the same explosion that kills Clancy, but manages to survive. When Jim visits him in the hospital, he asks who will take care of him when he returns from the war—a question Jim can’t quite answer.
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Eric Sawney Character Timeline in Fly Away Peter

The timeline below shows where the character Eric Sawney appears in Fly Away Peter. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 11
Friendship and Human Connection Theme Icon
Innocence and Maturity Theme Icon
Jim agrees to accompany Clancy to the bar. As they set off, a boy named Eric Sawney runs after them. An orphan who seems too young to be a soldier, Eric... (full context)
Friendship and Human Connection Theme Icon
Innocence and Maturity Theme Icon
At the bar, Clancy drinks hard liquor while Jim and Eric drink white wine sweetened with syrup—a drink Clancy mocks. As Eric gets increasingly drunk and... (full context)
Chapter 12
Boundaries and Perspective Theme Icon
Time, Change, and Impermanence Theme Icon
Innocence and Maturity Theme Icon
...first, he’s unable to hear, but when the ringing in his ears dies, he hears Eric Sawney screaming. Eric is nearby, and his legs have been blown off. Suddenly, Jim is... (full context)
Boundaries and Perspective Theme Icon
Time, Change, and Impermanence Theme Icon
Friendship and Human Connection Theme Icon
Innocence and Maturity Theme Icon
Jim is sure the blood on him must belong to Eric, but the boy is too far away for this to make sense. He then wonders... (full context)
Time, Change, and Impermanence Theme Icon
Friendship and Human Connection Theme Icon
Innocence and Maturity Theme Icon
Jim visits Eric in the hospital and finds it difficult to keep himself from staring at the place... (full context)