Freak the Mighty


Rodman Philbrick

Gram Character Analysis

Max’s maternal grandmother, Annie’s mother, and Grim’s wife. She and Grim took over Max’s care after Kenny murdered Annie (Max’s mother) when Max was four years old. Max notes that Gram looks more like a mother than a grandmother, as she was very young when she had Annie. Though Gram still treats Max with a degree of fear and suspicion, she seems to recognize the need to treat Max compassionately and do her best to make him feel supported. Her intentions, however, don’t always translate into Max understanding that she’s there for him. Instead, Max sees Gram more as a needless worrier who’s always sticking her nose into his business. Like Grim, Gram begins to treat Max with more overt kindness after Max rescues Freak from Tony D. on the Fourth of July. She nervously but hopefully supports Max’s transformation as he becomes closer to Freak; though it takes some convincing to get her to sign the paperwork to allow Max to accompany Freak to the “smart” classes at school, she ultimately does sign and she agrees that it’s a good idea. Gram is understandably beside herself when Kenny is released on parole and he kidnaps Max, and she insists that Max sleep in the house on the foldout sofa rather than in the basement for a while after the incident. Max sees this as a reflection of Gram’s care and love, though he frames it as more needless fussing. She disappears from the story after Freak’s death.

Gram Quotes in Freak the Mighty

The Freak the Mighty quotes below are all either spoken by Gram or refer to Gram. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

It’s more than just the way Maxwell resembles him, Grim says that night in the kitchen, the boy is like him, we’d better watch out, you never know what he might do while we’re sleeping. Like his father did. And Gram right away shushes him and says don’t ever say that, because little pictures have big ears, which makes me run to the mirror to see if it is my big ears made me look like Him.

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Grim (speaker), Kenny (Killer) Kane, Gram, Annie
Page Number: 3-4
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Chapter 6 Quotes

The deal this year is that I get to go with Freak, which Gram thinks is a good idea because she’s afraid he’ll get crushed or something, she actually thinks people are going to step on him, which just goes to show how brainless she can be sometimes, and scared of everything. I mean nobody steps on little kids down there, so why should they step on Freak?

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Kevin/Freak, Gram
Page Number: 29
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 8 Quotes

Me rescuing Freak. What a joke, right? Except that’s how it must have looked from a distance, because they never knew it was Freak who rescued me—or his genius brain and my big dumb body.

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Kevin/Freak, Kenny (Killer) Kane, Grim, Gram, Tony D.
Related Symbols: Freak the Mighty
Page Number: 41
Explanation and Analysis:

I go, “Thanks for the towel, Gram. And the ice cream. Could I have sugar in the coffee? Two teaspoons, please,” and Grim claps his hands together and he says, “Of course you can, son,” and it’s like woah! because he never calls me that. Always Max or Maxwell or “that boy.”

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Kevin/Freak, Kenny (Killer) Kane, Grim, Gram
Page Number: 42
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 15 Quotes

Gram says, “How can you tell such lies on Christmas Eve?”

“I’m telling tales, my dear, not lies. Lies are mean things, and tales are meant to entertain.”

Related Characters: Grim (speaker), Gram (speaker), Max Kane, Kevin/Freak, Kenny (Killer) Kane, Gwen, Annie
Related Symbols: King Arthur
Page Number: 95
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 20 Quotes

“They never talk about it,” I say. “They don’t have to because I can’t ever forget it, no matter how much I try.”

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Kenny (Killer) Kane, Grim, Gram, Annie
Page Number: 130
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 23 Quotes

I go, “Poor Gwen? She’s not the one having the special operation.”

Grim and Gram just look at each other like they can’t believe I’m so dumb, and finally Gram says, “Maxwell, dear, make an effort to eat your vegetables.”

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Gram (speaker), Kevin/Freak, Grim, Gwen
Page Number: 152
Explanation and Analysis:
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Gram Quotes in Freak the Mighty

The Freak the Mighty quotes below are all either spoken by Gram or refer to Gram. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

It’s more than just the way Maxwell resembles him, Grim says that night in the kitchen, the boy is like him, we’d better watch out, you never know what he might do while we’re sleeping. Like his father did. And Gram right away shushes him and says don’t ever say that, because little pictures have big ears, which makes me run to the mirror to see if it is my big ears made me look like Him.

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Grim (speaker), Kenny (Killer) Kane, Gram, Annie
Page Number: 3-4
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Chapter 6 Quotes

The deal this year is that I get to go with Freak, which Gram thinks is a good idea because she’s afraid he’ll get crushed or something, she actually thinks people are going to step on him, which just goes to show how brainless she can be sometimes, and scared of everything. I mean nobody steps on little kids down there, so why should they step on Freak?

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Kevin/Freak, Gram
Page Number: 29
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 8 Quotes

Me rescuing Freak. What a joke, right? Except that’s how it must have looked from a distance, because they never knew it was Freak who rescued me—or his genius brain and my big dumb body.

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Kevin/Freak, Kenny (Killer) Kane, Grim, Gram, Tony D.
Related Symbols: Freak the Mighty
Page Number: 41
Explanation and Analysis:

I go, “Thanks for the towel, Gram. And the ice cream. Could I have sugar in the coffee? Two teaspoons, please,” and Grim claps his hands together and he says, “Of course you can, son,” and it’s like woah! because he never calls me that. Always Max or Maxwell or “that boy.”

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Kevin/Freak, Kenny (Killer) Kane, Grim, Gram
Page Number: 42
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 15 Quotes

Gram says, “How can you tell such lies on Christmas Eve?”

“I’m telling tales, my dear, not lies. Lies are mean things, and tales are meant to entertain.”

Related Characters: Grim (speaker), Gram (speaker), Max Kane, Kevin/Freak, Kenny (Killer) Kane, Gwen, Annie
Related Symbols: King Arthur
Page Number: 95
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 20 Quotes

“They never talk about it,” I say. “They don’t have to because I can’t ever forget it, no matter how much I try.”

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Kenny (Killer) Kane, Grim, Gram, Annie
Page Number: 130
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 23 Quotes

I go, “Poor Gwen? She’s not the one having the special operation.”

Grim and Gram just look at each other like they can’t believe I’m so dumb, and finally Gram says, “Maxwell, dear, make an effort to eat your vegetables.”

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Gram (speaker), Kevin/Freak, Grim, Gwen
Page Number: 152
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