Freak the Mighty


Rodman Philbrick

Mrs. Addison Character Analysis

Freak and Max’s school principal; a stern black woman with white hair. Max is a bit afraid of her. Mrs. Addison thinks that Freak is a delight, and because of this, she allows Freak and Max to get away with various shenanigans. Despite what Max interprets as Mrs. Addison being afraid of him, Mrs. Addison shows that she does care deeply about Max’s wellbeing once she sees for herself that Max is nothing like Kenny. She promises to stand up to Kenny’s parole board about what Max wants.

Mrs. Addison Quotes in Freak the Mighty

The Freak the Mighty quotes below are all either spoken by Mrs. Addison or refer to Mrs. Addison. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 13 Quotes

[...] all I can think is they’re going to put me back in the learning disabled class. I’ve already decided I’ll run away if they do that [...] Anyhow, I don’t take Freak’s dictionary along because my hands are trembly and I might drop it, or Mrs. Addison might ask me a word and I’ll forget how to look it up and prove I’m still a butthead goon.

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Kevin/Freak, Mrs. Addison
Page Number: 83
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“It’s not me who had quite a day,” I say. “Kevin is the one. All he did was try and eat his lunch.”

Mrs. Addison gives me this look, and then she goes, “You’re going to be okay, Maxwell Kane. I’m sure of it now.”

She’s okay for a principal, but for some reason I still can’t make her understand that it’s not me who had a really bad Friday the Thirteenth.

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Mrs. Addison (speaker), Kevin/Freak, Kenny (Killer) Kane
Page Number: 87
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Mrs. Addison Quotes in Freak the Mighty

The Freak the Mighty quotes below are all either spoken by Mrs. Addison or refer to Mrs. Addison. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 13 Quotes

[...] all I can think is they’re going to put me back in the learning disabled class. I’ve already decided I’ll run away if they do that [...] Anyhow, I don’t take Freak’s dictionary along because my hands are trembly and I might drop it, or Mrs. Addison might ask me a word and I’ll forget how to look it up and prove I’m still a butthead goon.

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Kevin/Freak, Mrs. Addison
Page Number: 83
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“It’s not me who had quite a day,” I say. “Kevin is the one. All he did was try and eat his lunch.”

Mrs. Addison gives me this look, and then she goes, “You’re going to be okay, Maxwell Kane. I’m sure of it now.”

She’s okay for a principal, but for some reason I still can’t make her understand that it’s not me who had a really bad Friday the Thirteenth.

Related Characters: Max Kane (speaker), Mrs. Addison (speaker), Kevin/Freak, Kenny (Killer) Kane
Page Number: 87
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