Freak the Mighty


Rodman Philbrick

The Ornithopter Symbol Analysis

Freak’s ornithopter (a mechanical flying bird) represents freedom—specifically, the medically-assisted freedom that Freak enjoys. As someone with Morquio syndrome (an illness that causes dwarfism and a host of other symptoms), Freak is perhaps more aware than most people that freedom and mobility are precious and, in his case, sometimes rare commodities. Like the ornithopter, which flies thanks to an elastic band and its motor, Freak is able to move around thanks to mobility devices like his leg braces and his crutches—as well as thanks to Max’s willingness to carry Freak on his shoulders as Freak the Mighty. And just as the ornithopter needs consistent maintenance (that is, to have its band replaced) every so often, Freak also needs consistent medical attention in order to continue to enjoy his freedom and mobility.

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The Ornithopter Symbol Timeline in Freak the Mighty

The timeline below shows where the symbol The Ornithopter appears in Freak the Mighty. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3. American Flyer
...Max hands it over and he asks what it is. Freak explains that it’s an ornithopter, or a mechanical bird. Max is in awe of Freak’s vocabulary. (full context)
Freak winds up the ornithopter and then lets it go. The ornithopter flits around, just like a bird, and Max... (full context)
Chapter 23. The Empty Book
...alone so he sits out back by the medical research building. Max pulls out the ornithopter and he makes it fly, thinking that Freak might see it out the window. When... (full context)
...tells Max to not be a moron. After a moment of silence, Max puts the ornithopter on the bed. (full context)