

Andrew Clements

Miss Deaver Character Analysis

Nick's third grade teacher. She was a first-year teacher when she had Nick as a student, which made her particularly naïve and susceptible to his tricks: over the course of a week, he orchestrated the transformation of the classroom into a tropical paradise. She thought it was wonderful and praised him for his creativity until the administration put a stop to it and scolded her for losing control of her students.
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Miss Deaver Character Timeline in Frindle

The timeline below shows where the character Miss Deaver appears in Frindle. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: Nick
Power, Hierarchy, and Rules Theme Icon
Leadership and Teamwork Theme Icon
...and knows what to do with them all. In third grade, for instance, he turned Miss Deaver 's room into a tropical island. He first encouraged his classmates to make palm trees... (full context)