Gates of Fire


Steven Pressfield

Elephantinos Character Analysis

Elephantinos is a merchant (a blade-sharpener) from Miletus who follows the Spartan army to Thermopylae after they help him with his broken-down wagon along the way. He ends up becoming “a kind of mascot or talisman to the troops, embraced as a storyteller, jester, and companion at everyone’s fireside.” He dies with them on the battlefield.
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Elephantinos Character Timeline in Gates of Fire

The timeline below shows where the character Elephantinos appears in Gates of Fire. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 26
Cities, Identity, and Belonging Theme Icon
Fear, Courage, and Love Theme Icon
Kingship, Loyalty, and Freedom Theme Icon a horrifying spectacle. In the meantime, the army has picked up a mascot of sorts—Elephantinos, a merchant with a disabled wagon who trailed the army all the way to Thermopylae.... (full context)
Chapter 31
Cities, Identity, and Belonging Theme Icon
Fear, Courage, and Love Theme Icon
...of Suicide, his mentor, is the last face he’ll ever see. He thinks also of Elephantinos, who refuses to leave the Spartan camp when he has the chance. He said that... (full context)
Warfare and Brotherhood Theme Icon
Fear, Courage, and Love Theme Icon
...the earlier conversation with Alexandros and Ariston about fear and its opposite. He says that Elephantinos and Suicide have given him the answer. Looking out over the camp, he tells Xeo,... (full context)