Emmett Till Quotes in Ghost Boys
Who knew THE END wasn’t the end?
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Get LitCharts A+“What’re you going to be, Sarah?” I shout. “You’re the only one who’s going to grow up.”
“You’re the Chicago boy? Murdered like me?”
“1955. Down South.”
Everybody knew the South was dangerous then.”
“Still is,” answers Emmett.
“Maybe you shouldn’t know about it. At least for now. It’s terrible when grown men kill a child.”
“Like my dad?”
Emmett’s the leader. The leader of our crew. An unnatural alliance—young, but dead.
Ghost boys.
I understand now. Everything isn’t all about me.
Scornful, Emmett boasts. “Life’s different in Chicago. I talk with white people all the time.”
“No, you don’t,” scolds Simeon.
“I do. I’ll show you.” He heads toward the store.
“Don’t,” says Simeon.
“Think I’m scared?”
Emmett murmurs, “Bear witness.”
“What’s that mean?”
“Everyone needs their story heard. Felt. We honor each other. Connect across time.”
Emmett told me that the men who killed him never believed they did wrong. An all-white jury found them innocent.
The judge said there wasn’t enough evidence to charge Officer Moore with a crime. But he’s not celebrating.
Is that progress?
Bear witness. My tale is told.
Wake. Only the living can make the world better.
Live and make it better.

Emmett Till Quotes in Ghost Boys
Who knew THE END wasn’t the end?
Unlock explanations and citation info for this and every other Ghost Boys quote.
Plus so much more...
Get LitCharts A+“What’re you going to be, Sarah?” I shout. “You’re the only one who’s going to grow up.”
“You’re the Chicago boy? Murdered like me?”
“1955. Down South.”
Everybody knew the South was dangerous then.”
“Still is,” answers Emmett.
“Maybe you shouldn’t know about it. At least for now. It’s terrible when grown men kill a child.”
“Like my dad?”
Emmett’s the leader. The leader of our crew. An unnatural alliance—young, but dead.
Ghost boys.
I understand now. Everything isn’t all about me.
Scornful, Emmett boasts. “Life’s different in Chicago. I talk with white people all the time.”
“No, you don’t,” scolds Simeon.
“I do. I’ll show you.” He heads toward the store.
“Don’t,” says Simeon.
“Think I’m scared?”
Emmett murmurs, “Bear witness.”
“What’s that mean?”
“Everyone needs their story heard. Felt. We honor each other. Connect across time.”
Emmett told me that the men who killed him never believed they did wrong. An all-white jury found them innocent.
The judge said there wasn’t enough evidence to charge Officer Moore with a crime. But he’s not celebrating.
Is that progress?
Bear witness. My tale is told.
Wake. Only the living can make the world better.
Live and make it better.